Fall Decluttering Challenge- Day 1

I know I blog about decluttering sometimes, but that does not mean my home is clutter-free. Definitely not. It is a continual process. Sometimes I chip away at things consistently and sometimes I go on an intense cleaning spree and purge a whole lot of stuff! With the holidays coming up, it is time for that type of decluttering again.

I thought some of you might want to join me!


I am going to post a room or challenge every day, along with a bonus five minute mission. I will post them on facebook, primarily, but I will also put up a blog post every day, too. (Especially since facebook’s algorithm is dumb and hides posts.) I will try to include them in my instagram stories, too. (You can follow my facebook HERE and my instagram HERE.) Just do as much as you can!



I always start in the kitchen when I go on a decluttering spree. I feel like I spend a lot of time there. I am definitely less cranky and more ambitious if my kitchen is clean. With the holidays coming up I will do even more cooking and baking, so things will just run more smoothly if it is organized.

You don’t have to tackle the entire room. Pick the area that bugs you the most and just accomplish what you can. Maybe it is the refrigerator, the pantry, or that one cupboard that always seems to be a mess. Get rid of the stuff you no longer want or need.

Here are some more kitchen decluttering and organizing posts for you to check out later:


I also came up with a bonus five minute mission for today- the junk drawer! Now, I don’t actually have a junk drawer, but I do have a mason jar on my counter that collects junk and a basket on my hutch that collects my husband’s junk. I used to have multiple junk baskets and a drawer, but I find that if I eliminate or at least minimize these places I am more likely to just put stuff away in the first place!

I hope some of you will join me so that I don’t feel like a dork. Look for my before and after pics on facebook and instagram! Oh, and if you want to tag me you can use #pacountrycrafts or #falldeclutteringchallenge!

Graphics from freepik.