Captain America T Shirt and Tutu

Oh, those middle school girls... Last year a bunch of my daughters' friends were going to trick or treat as girly superheroes with tutus. She chose Captain America. Well, then some sort of drama ensued and the entire plan fell apart. In the end, she decided to keep her original costume plan, so I had to throw it together at the last minute. I measured her waist and cut some one inch non-roll elastic an inch smaller. Then, I overlapped the ends an inch and sewed them together in a circle. I cut a few yards of tulle into strips and packed them up a plastic grocery bag to take along to soccer. By halftime, I was done looping the tulle over the elastic!


I made the T shirt through freezer paper stenciling, working on other costumes as each layer dried. I used different sized plates to trace circles on freezer paper and cut them out to make stencils to iron on. If you don't know what I mean, just google it. This is one of my favorite ways to make custom T shirts! I just used regular acrylic paint and sponged it on, trying to get a faded, vintage look. The white did take two coats.


I thought it turned out pretty sharp-looking!

Captain America T Shirt and Tutu Halloween Costume DIY

I only wish I had gotten a smaller T shirt for her. She didn't try it on until after I painted it. I could have sized it down for her, but that was more effort than I felt like putting into it. :)


I am all about low-effort Halloween costumes. If you want to see more, here are some others I have blogged about...