Art Gallery Fabrics Cottage Grove

I am a sucker for cute Art Gallery Fabrics- and the Cottage Grove collection has cute farm animals so I just HAD to sew some new outfits for my little farm girl nieces!

First up we have a Novella Pinafore in flannel- which is super cozy! I went a little overboard (of course!) and added hand embroidery to the sheep on the front pocket. It just adds a little more texture. The pinafore is layered over a Sleep Tight Tee in soft AGF knit solid.

flannel Novella pinafore
girls pinafore sewing pattern
hand embroidered sheep

Making her modeling debut, this sweet little girls is wearing a Lavender dress. I had to guess on sizing and its a little big but will be perfect this summer!

Lavender Dress sewing pattern

Aren’t they just the cutest?

Check out the Cottage Grove lookbook to see tons of cute inspo!

Wooly Stroll Flannel
Goose March
Knit Solid - Peachy Custard

Novella Pinafore
Sleep Tight Tee
Lavender Dress