May Decluttering Challenge ~ Bathroom

The past few weeks have been busy. So I have not been blogging. There has been a stomach virus going around and I am a substitute teacher!

I have not entirely finished my storage decluttering, but I have made enormous progress. I have a pile of empty totes and baskets to show how much I have downsized over the years. I guess it is time to get rid of those, too. My biggest problem right now is crafts supplies. Hopefully I can be more intentional about using them up this summer.

 In May, we are focusing on decluttering our bathrooms. I think the kitchen is the hardest room to declutter, but the bathroom is a close second.

2019 Decluttering Challenge

Our situation is probably unique. We only have one bathroom (for 8 people) and, while it is a large room, it also holds our washer and dryer. Oh, and it has our linen cupboard, too. It is a multi-purpose room so I need to keep it pretty organized.

We need a lot of towels because we have a lot of bodies, but I only have two “good” towels per person and 5 or 6 extra, older towels. My husband and I made a personalized towel rack so the towels can be used a few times before washing. I also know if someone didn’t hang their towel back up.

I don’t fold washcloths. They get thrown in a basket. I save time by no folding them and I am not annoyed because people are knocking the piles over in the closet.

bathroom drawer organization

My vanity drawers are organized with little bins. It is not perfect, but it helps. I also keep a hairbrush tied to a drawer handle because I get tired of searching for a hairbrush all the time!

I also use a lot of plastic bins/baskets to organize my shelves. I will put things together in categories- first aid, toiletries, laundry, cleaning, etc.

What are your best bathroom organizing ideas? Feel free to share in the comments!

We also have a decluttering facebook group HERE for more ideas and encouragement!