Honey Fusion Haze Dress

I was given the opportunity to sew with Art Gallery Fabrics’ new Honey Fusion line! The soft yellows were exactly what I needed to combat dreary winter days!

I sewed a Haze Dress by Sofiona Designs because I knew that the back would be the perfect for hand embroidering a bee on the cute Honeycomb Honey fabric.

I chose to do the bubble tucks on the front (last time I did the pleats) and I think they are really cute! It took me an entire rom-com to do them, but that was my own fault. I kept catching the fabric on the front and I should have checked them as I went instead of doing them all incorrectly and then turning it over.

The dress turned out absolutely darling and the dog enjoyed being invited to the faux tea party photo shoot. She got treats and a cookie that she licked before we could stop her.


Spring Daisies Honey
Honeycomb Honey

Haze Dress & Top

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