Grace's Quiet Book- Pie Page

Grace's Quiet Book- Weave Pie Crust

This was definitely my easiest page and only took about 15-30 minutes. It is a little too advanced for her at this age (2 1/2) but she should grow into it and it is good motor skills practice. Maybe one day she will want to weave baskets like Mommy! ;) (shameless plug for my etsy shop here.)

The pie page of Grace's quiet book was inspired by THIS one.  I used leftover blueberry fabric from THIS apron and some light tan felt.  I traced a CD for the "blueberry pie filling" and used heat'n'bond to attach it to the background. For the crust, I made the center circle a little smaller than a CD and eyeballed the wavy edge. 
Quiet Book Pie Crust Page
I cut the strips of felt using pinking shears and put them under the crust on two sides. After lots of pinning, I used a simple zig zag stitch all the way around the circle to hold everything in place. Then, I trimmed the ends of the strips to follow the curve of the crust.

Quiet Book Pie Crust Page

Felt Pie Crust
My zig zag skills aren't perfect, but it works.Now, remember the whole blueberry pie thing, because it will come back a little later in the book. :) Stay tuned... The next page is my favorite!!! 
If I get a moment or two, I will try to link up at these parties: