A Little Fall Decorating

I seem to make all of these crafty things, but I never really do much to decorate my own house. Part of it is that I feel like it is a constant battle to get the kids to clean. It is hard to decorate a mess! Some of the struggle is with my grander ideas that never happen- our lighting is terrible and there is ugly paneling everywhere! I am also really indecisive and can't seem to settle on a style that I love. I am trying to do better, though. I want to use my talents to bless my own family and make our home a little nicer. I can't change everything that I would like to, but I can do my best with the resources I have. This year, I did a little more fall decorating than normal. It can best be described as a neutral, farmhouse, metallic look. In reality, Walmart had some really cute fake pumpkins this year and I got carried away from there.

My decorating really isn't much and my house is not particularly lovely. The lighting is dim and my pictures are grainy. There is dust on my shelves and smudges on my windows. But I am trying. So today I am sharing.


We do a thankful tree every year in November and I have been saving the extra leaves because I am nostalgic like that. The sticks are held in a smaller vase inside a big jar, so I put the old leaves in between this year.


I also want to thank my friends on facebook and Instagram for helping me to decide on new curtain ties! It was another starting point for decorating the windowsill.


I am probably a pretty terrible blogger for waiting until November to share my fall décor, but that is how I roll. Yes, I am already preparing for Christmas and blaring a Christmas mix CD in the car already, but I won't decorate until after Thanksgiving.  I truly love fall and I don't want to rush it just yet.
