Farmhouse Doll Bed and Star Doll Quilt Pattern

When my husband made doll bunk beds for one of our daughters, the rest of them wanted doll beds, too. So, this Christmas, I nagged convinced him to make another one. I actually tried to do it myself, but, as I suspected, he couldn't handle my woodworking skills and jumped in to finish. He didn't like the last doll bed he made so I suggested a farmhouse style bed. He made two twin size beds a few months before (see HERE). It is a free pattern from Ana White found HERE. We gifted it to my daughter as raw, unpainted wood with a piece of foam cut to size as the mattress. Classy stuff. The spin I put on it was that she could choose fabric and paint. I even let her paint it herself... mostly.

Beautiful pink farmhouse doll bed for 18" American Girl dolls
American Girl Farmhouse Doll Bed
Pink farmhouse doll bed and quilt - free pattern for this star doll quilt
Pink Farmhouse Doll Bed

She chose this lovely floral fabric and found a metallic dot purple to match. She wanted the bed to be pink, but I think it works OK with the fabrics.

The bedding was not hard to make. I made a cover for the mattress out of a white pillowcase. The flat sheet is hemmed on all sides. I kept the pillows and pillowcases simple, too.

Mattress for 18" doll bed
DIY doll bedding- mattress, sheet, quilt, and pillows
Pretty 18" doll bedding and quilt with free pattern

The quilt was a little harder, but I am happy with how it turned out. We decided to make a square quilt that would lay over the bed and hang down the sides. My daughter wanted a star block, so I came up with my own pattern for this one. She also chose stitch in the ditch quilting (not easy for me).

American Girl Doll Bedding with Star Quilt and Pillows
Star Doll Quilt Pattern
American Girl Doll Bed and Quilt

(Isabelle is modeling the Boutique Peasant Dress in this photo. Tutorial and pattern found HERE.)

I made a pdf of the star doll quilt pattern. It is available for download HERE. I made an attempt at illustrating the steps. I forgot to include directions to add the border.

If you make one, I would love to see pictures! This would also make a nice mini-quilt or table topper (I am strongly considering one in fall colors)!